Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 8

Day 8
8 November, 2014
9:00 pm
           Today was a chill out day for the four of us. We woke up at ten o'clock which is considered "sleeping in" to me. Everyone took longer than usual to get ready do to the fact that we were really tired from our adventures from yesterday. Everyday this week we have been traveling around the city of Rome. So today we all agreed to visiting some local places in Italy. They honestly weren't that hard to find. There is something to do and learn about everywhere. When we walked outside the temperature was seventy degrees and the weather was sunny. Just the type of weather and temperature I enjoy! On our way to the first destination we found this man named Michael. He told us some interesting things about the city and also where he came from. Michael was originally born in here in Italy and he absolutely loves it. He also gave us some tips about where and where not to go here in Rome. I appreciated the time he took to show us around a little bit. We payed him fifteen dollars for being so polite to us because it's hard to come across people like Michael now days. After our encounter with him, we went to visit some cool new places around town. First destination we went to was Nuovo Cinema Aquila. It was very nice to see a movie in that theatre. It wasn't nearly anything like American movie theatre due to the fact that it was way more nice in the theatre and they served a variety of drinks. They even sold wine! That was very interesting compared to what we all are used to. Anyways after the movie which was about an hour and thirty minutes long, we caught a bus back to our hotel. Everything is wonderful here and very enjoyable. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.....

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