Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 4

Day 4
4 November 2014

Today we went to play paintball at Ares paintball course in Notturna, Italy. The main game we participated in was speedball. In speedball you are provided with an equal playing field for each team competing. It was created this way due to the fact that game makers wanted to give a better format for competitive paintball. Both for playing and viewing the games. The game of paintball is universal and I definitely know why! The way the course was set up was unbelievable. Not only is it so fun to play due to the high speed and adrenaline that runs through you but also the the experience is unforgettable. What also made our time here at the Ares Paintball course today was the weather. It was eighty degrees Fahrenheit. To add to the wonderful temperature, there was not one single cloud in the sky. If you don't think that's perfect then I don't know what is. After this crazy fun activity, we decided to grab something to eat. We attended the Scholars Lounge restaurant here in Rome. I would give the hospitality rating a four out of five. Everything was very nice and I really enjoyed the feel of the restaurant. The food was great but I just wish they had a variety of food rather than what they had on the menus. We all spent exactly fifteen dollars on our meals. I would say that's a pretty good price considering the how fantastic their food was. After that long day we all headed back to the hotel to get some rest. Tomorrow will be a new adventure....

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